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Utmost Sympathy.
So I’ve just finished watching 2010: The Year We Make Contact with my Dad. We watched 2001 not that long ago, so it kinda makes sense if you try not to think about it.
And near the end, I begin to tear up. Now I’m not one for crying, not for any particular reason like ‘Real Men Don’t Cry’ or whatever, it’s just something that I’ve never really done all that often.
I was crying because HAL 9000 had just asked why he was being asked to ignite the engines on the Discovery, so that the Leonov because doing so would leave it stranded, and if there was any danger, HAL would be killed.
After finding out why they were asking to do this, HAL accepted, in the full knowledge that he’d be killed.
And here I am tearing up because of this.
I’m sorry, I can’t seem to put the words down right. 
In short, I feel I can sympathise with not just those people who feel the need to ship fictional characters with other fictional characters, something which I’d not really taken much consideration of to be honest, but anyone who’s ever been emotionally changed by fiction.
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3 kommentarer:

  1. Hahaha, läste första meningen helt fel. Tänkte att det kanske inte är så konstigt att bli emotionell det år man får kontakt med pappa. Tänkte också att jag uppenbarligen glömt en rätt central del av handlingen...

  2. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  3. Ja, lite annorlunda take på handlingen indeed.
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    är nu 2/3 genom 2061, som har DB och HAL på framsidan, men ingen av dem har varit med i handlingen än...falsk marknadsföring?
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